Conferences & Retreats
What is ACTS? Que es ACTS?
Un retiro de ACTS ofrece a los participantes la oportunidad de experimentar el amor de Jesucristo. Esto fomenta el deseo del discipulado y la construcción de una comunidad parroquial. El retiro toma a cabo un fin de semana por tres días, y tres noches. es guiado por laico católicos con el apoyo del clero y un guía spiritual. El Retiro empieza un jueves por la tarde y termina el domingo durante la misa dominical en la parroquia. Tras el uso de la oración, servicio y la enseñanza el Retiro de ACTS se une con los retirantes en su camino espiritual y los invita a experimentar a Dios de una manera personal y comunitaria.
An ACTS Retreat is a parish-based evangelization tool which offers participants an opportunity to encounter the love of Jesus Christ. It fosters the desire for Christ-centered discipleship and parish community building. The ACTS weekend is a three day, three night retreat led by Catholic laymen along with the support of clergy and a spiritual director. The Retreat starts on a Thursday evening and ends with a Sunday Mass in one of the parishes. While utilizing prayer and service, the ACTS Retreat meets people where they are in their own spiritual journey and invites them to experience God on not only a personal, but also on a communal level.
ACTS in Waukesha/ ACTS en Waukesha
After living the ACTS retreat in Hattiesburg, MS, in November of 2010, 3 women and 4 men from St. Joseph’s parish, with the help of the Mississippi team, brought the first ever women’s and men’s ACTS retreats to Waukesha. It took place in the Summer of 2011, with over 70 total retreatants. Since then, with the help of the current ACTS family, and the Holy Spirit, 7 women’s retreats and 7 men’s retreats have taken place; bringing the gifts of adoration, community, theology and service to over 400 people!
Después de haber vivido el retiro de ACTS en Hattiesburg, Mississippi en Noviembre del 2010, tres mujeres y cuatro hombres de la parroquia San José, con el apoyo del equipo de Mississippi, llevaron a cabo los primerosretiro de ACTS de mujeres y hombres en Waukesha en el verano del 2011, con mas de 70 participantes. Desde entonces, con el apo de la existente familia de ACTS y el Espíritu Santo, se han llevado a cabo 7 retiros de mujeres y hombres, que han traído los regalos de adoración, comunidad, teología y servicio a mas de 400 miembros de la comunidad!
More Information/ Más Información
Interested in learning more, or becoming part of the ACTS family? ¿Interesado en aprender más o formar parte de la familia ACTS? Contacto:
Contact/ Contactar a: Juana Avila-Palacios javila@ccwauk.org 262-542-2589 x 208
Upcoming Retreats
Próximos Retiros
I am delighted to have new SISTERS in Christ - I have met so many beautiful women who are like a second family that continue to support and pray for myself and my family. I love the slow change that is occurring in my heart and am still amazed at all the blessings that I have received the weekend of my ACTS retreat.
-Janet Yahnke
Catholic Community of Waukesha Staff
The National Catholic Youth Conference is a three-day event for Catholic youth. NCYC is held in Indiana at the Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indiana Convention Center every two years. The conference is organized by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). During the conference, there is music, prayer, workshops, liturgy, and opportunities to participate in Reconciliation and much more!
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